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[E] FollowUrDreamz
[E] FollowUrDreamz
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over 9 years ago
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over 9 years ago
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Please unban me, Thanks!
over 9 years ago
Gotcha, Sorry about that. I have now taken the time to read the rules, and I do apologize for the inconvenience. And I do acknowledge that I have now been fairly warned, and I now see that these issues are taken seriously. One more clarification, please. I have been looking around on the Agharta map online, and I can see that there are what appear to be tons of abandoned structures scattered about on unclaimed land. It appears that many more people used to build on the server. I realize the rules say not to grief on claimed OR unclaimed land. May i claim areas like this and possibly finish building the structures?
over 9 years ago
Username: FollowUrDreamz When you were banned : 1/20/16 Person who banned you: I don't know Reason you were banned: Griefing Hello, Upon trying to log in, I was told have been banned for griefing. It didn't say who I griefed, or how long I will be banned. Could someone please elaborate and hopefully unban me. I apologize, I'm just starting out and I didn't intend to interfere with anyone else's Minetown experience. Thanks
over 9 years ago